A note on sleep

18 months ago I had done some great mindset work with an NLP coach, and made some great breakthroughs. The day the training finished I was at the gym and I got weird. I walked out of the gym , leaving my gym bag there as if my memory had just left me… 

The days after my energy was through the floor, I would get up at 7 am and be ready to sleep by 9am , it was terrible. 

I asked my NLP coach was this usual and he said the opposite,he said you should be feeling a new release of life

So as this continued a few weeks I spoke to a kinesiologist and she recommended alkalinity in my diet and removal of wheat and dairy and a few other things. A few weeks went by again and my energy went from say a 2 out of 10 to a 5… better but not ideal.

I had always followed Arnie when it came to sleep… There are 24 hrs a day , 6 for sleep- if you need 8 , learn to sleep faster I would recommend he once mentioned. 

I had the belief that sleep was negotiable.

About 6 months ago, having been tired for a whole lot of months I began to research sleep along with my then coach at JCF coaching (https://jcfcoaching.com/). I also read Why We Sleep by Martin Walker.

As a result of that research I modified my sleep and learned about my own sleep and within a week my energy was soaring and no I have far more energy to take on the day 

Money doesn’t sleep but for us to chase it we need to , well thats my experience. It’s not unmanly or weak to manage your body optimally.. I’ve done sleep deprivation in the Army and it sucks and there is no payoff I can assure you

So learn to sleep well, for me I use melatonin, reduced blue light at night and I’ve massively reduced my caffeine and alcohol but to feel rested in the morning is worth it 

Have a great weekend – maybe have a lie in !! 

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