Motion v Inertia

There is a very wise saying, Do not confuse motion with action

And I think if we expand the scope on this.  Sometimes it is very important to just take any sort of action. Inertia is deadly…..And it can keep us stuck for years. 

Frommy experience  just taking any sort of action…even the smallest action can allow us to move from inertia to a completely different mindset. 

I had a great coaching call with some guys this week and it allowed me to  remember when I had my second gym. It was a 3500 square foot monster, and I’d rented all the equipment. I didn’t really know much about business then and it was ultimately doomed to failure. My business partner would just use the gym to do his own personal training and make some money, and really making the business grow was on my head. 

So each morning I would get up and just write a to-do list of the things that I needed to do and this went and  took me from a place of apathy to a place of just wanting to take on the world. 

At the start I did silly things like trying to get food sold in the gym and things like that. But after a while, after taking repeated action. I came up with a concept, I started using heart rate sensor training and following a fitness business coach I started to do small groups personal training.

 I developed my own niche within the local area , and before long I sold my share in the monster  gym and created my third gym which is very profitable. 

So although it’s important to define and focus your activity, so that you don’t confuse motion with action. Any action is super important in the defence of apathy… with a sense of life balance you just gotta keep acting, day after day after day, and sooner or later, you’re going to strike gold. 

Have a great Friday.

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