Dispatches 30/7/21

Dispatches 23/7/21

staircase rebuttal for fear – courtesy of  Rhode 

can I share a perspective with you , when people have a lofty goal like yours they kinda see it like a great big staircase and they look up and think how the hell am I gonna get up there…and it’s daunting and they don’t move.. despite the fact that they have outgrown their life at the base of the stairs.

But here is the thing, a staircase can only be scaled one step at a time..once you get to the first step..easy..just get your bearings and take the next one, that’s all you need to do ..just take the first step..are you able to do that ?

Logistic future pace – Who would be the person you would call ?

C:Say we were able to create that six figure sum coming into your life on an annual basis. What changes do you think you would see?

P:Oh yeah, but, you know, go on holiday and then I will definitely buy a house. 

C:Great. Tell me a little bit more about this house. Who would like what it would look like, how many bedrooms, what kind of car would it have in the drive.?

P:Oh yeah, it would have like two bedrooms upstairs two bedrooms downstairs so that my family could be there and, you know, I’d have like a Chevy in the, in the drive.

Cand you were able to create that house, where your family can also stay as well, what would that do for you …Personally though?

P:I’d be amazing. We like a dream to come true.

C:But what happens if you don’t build, and you don’t take the action that you need to and things stay the same. And you have to stay in the status quo and you don’t get that house….What happens then.?

Getting the deeper why … boat and storm analogy 

Getting the deeper why in the solution awareness phase.

Yeah and so if you imagine this transition that you’re going through now is like, like a boat, you know, just see like a transatlantic crossing, you’re going from say Southampton in the UK over to, to New York.

Okay, there’s going to be different weather, there’s going to be days when it’s just beautiful and sunny and then there’s going to be storms.

In your transition there’s gonna be times when it’s like all fist pumps and high fives and then there’s going to be times when the leads don’t come through. People don’t pay you, people want a refund, and the last thing we want is a bad day to become a bad week to become a bad month- those will be your storms.

So like, like a ship has like that anchor for when the storm comes in that prevent it from being dragged off course and for us our anchor to keep us going is the core driver the deep reason why we really do it when things aren’t easy anymore 

So in order for me to coach you to the highest level,I can maybe engage this emotional fulcrum.

What’s the thing that is gonna keep you going though, when the wind is howling and the lightning is cracking like what’s the thing, deep down, that you’re really doing this for though?

quick pivot when someone goes on a tangent :

Oh I apologize Should have been more clear,  when I say x I mean ( restate question)

alternate question for connecting phase

It looks like you booked in with me here about possibly ABC, is now a bad time ?

Triad of success : courtesy of Angelo 

Have you heard of the triad of success.?

It basically means there’s three components that we need to have in order to manifest our goals.

The first is strategy- without a proven strategy , its like setting sail in a ship without a proven route we either end up on the rocks or going around in circles

Then there is Drive – an innate in us to succeed

Lastly is vision. Like, who do we want to become?

Those who lack vision and drive are the kind of people who buy the gym membership and never go or go to a Tony Robbins event and jump around for 3 days and for the other 362 days of that year do nothing

So for you in this endeavour – do you feel as though you have the drive?

What is the vision ?

So I guess this is more a strategy thing, and if there was a program out there that could deliver the strategy you needed, what would you need from a program, what would be your ideal criteria ?

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